

Brand iconography, illustration & rollout for a workplace transformation brand

MindGym has worked with over 3 million business people worldwide, providing training, coaching and tools for company-wide behaviour change. They have offices in London, New York and Singapore, and have worked with over half the FTSE 100 and the S&P 100. For any team that needs to up its game, MindGym is a real workout.
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The client had worked with Pentagram on a complete brand overhaul. Now they needed someone to push their new look out into the here and now. Someone they could trust to apply it across every touchpoint; building on and being true to the core brand. So, who you gonna call?

Brand application is just as big a responsibility as brand creation – if not, more so. Never losing sight of the original design’s intentions, we worked closely with the client and Pentagram to ensure every tweak, every extension and adaptation added something of value to the overall brand vision.

We delivered a whole raft of collateral. This included presentation templates for their trainers and coaches, modular email design kits, social media kits, icons, brand patterns, editorial illustrations and illustrative icons for all of their products. All fitting snuggly within the MindGym mould.

From the client

The team at Renowned worked hand-in-hand with the MindGym team to understand our brand and deliver outstanding work on everything from icons to layout templates.

Henry Proudlove, Creative Director

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